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Our dream...

We believe that purposeful people and purposeful organizations do the right things. With a sense of good,  beauty, and truthfulness.

By contributing to that, we can make the world we live in a little better. Our dream is to make as many people and organizations as purposeful as possible

Our factory ...


We guide people and organizations on their path to becoming/wanting to be purposeful. In order to do that, we facilitate (inter) human processes that are necessary to give concrete substance to their purpose.


We offer guidance to individuals, teams, and entire organizations.
We do so by making connections and utilizing experience-oriented and fact-based knowledge. We can only create the necessary impact if we work together and in unity.

about us



It's right there in the name... dreams and factories. It all starts with a desire to reach your goal in the future. Call it a vision, a purpose, or a mission. But, that alone is not sufficient. Your dream has to be manifest, you have to work on it, or as we prefer to think of it: 'manufacture it'. Amid this tension between dreaming and manufacturing, we guide people, teams, and organizations. 

Dreaming is...

The creation of a uniting and inspiring perspective


Tending a safe connection between people and teams


Becoming aware of the challenges and the difficulties


Connecting the personal dreams to the organization  


Manufacturing is...

Building courageous leadership together


Creating a space in which you can create

The organization of a sense of ownership to get into action mode!

Achieving sustainable (lasting) results for people and organizations

And we...

We believe in the potential of people, and have adapted our organization to it. 
We are organized as a cooperative, in which equality is essential. We manage the Droomfabriek based on the principles of holacracy. This is a form of management in which there is no hierarchy, it operates on the basis of ownership and joint responsibility.



We have furnished our building as sustainable as possible, and use Cradle2Cradle furniture.

The building is heated with biomass and runs on our own solar power. The food we serve our guests and ourselves is fresh and organic. Our location is in the middle of nature, with the catalytic converter as an inspiration where you can let go of everyday concerns..

These are

our core values


We believe it is important to build and maintain meaningful relationships. Our heart - and our system -  is open and inviting, and we look and examine with an open mind. We look for vulnerability and we want to positively affect others.


We think and act with future generations in mind. That's what we call sustainable. It inspires us to do good. To be truthful. We show courage, take initiative, are innovative, and dare to act with an open heart and a focused mind. We make things concrete and encourage action.


We show that it is possible. We believe in experiencing taking different paths. We are optimists and shed light on issues that are often overlooked. We playfully uncover things that are usually hidden. We challenge with a loving sharpness.

Founded in 2000...

De Droomfabriek was founded by Ralph Zebregs (picture) on the first of September in 2000. In his experience, training agencies paid too little attention to the specific organizational challenges, and consultancies too little for the human side of change. Challenged by a previous employer, he founded

De Droomfabriek to combine

these two perspectives.

Big clients get connected 

In early 2004, the Droomfabriek grew into a triumvirate. Bigger assignments from Philips, Unilever, and the Tax Authorities, among others, were acquired. The Bottom-up program was created for the Tax and Customs Administration: a successful activation program, the core of which is used by De Droomfabriek to this day. Over the years, the Droomfabriek continued to grow organically.

Unique location

In 2006 the dream of a unique and private location came to existence. A location that would support and strengthen the Droomfabriek's guidance processes. In 2008 this location was found in the form of a short wave transmission building in Radio Kootwijk. Since those first years, there has been good cooperation and a warm relationship with our landlord Staatsbosbeheer. 

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our journey


Growth: guidance of young professionals in their development and organizations in difficult times

More new people joined and, among others, the Young Dream Factory was established. That was the beginning of a series of trainee programs we still provide for renowned Dutch companies. In the times of crisis from 2008 onwards, the Droomfabriek proved to be of lasting value to guide people and organizations in difficult times. For example, we have helped factories of Unilever and Philips close humanely by providing answers through a dream and not out of struggle.


Continuing as a coöperation


At the beginning of 2018, the Droomfabriek renewed itself. Our dream and values ​​have remained intact, but our own organization has been overhauled. We have changed from a partnership into a cooperative. Some people left, some stayed and new members have joined. Our special location remains our home base with renewed energy. And we are still working with our customers to make the world

a bit more beautiful.

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